Subtract Vectors Calculator

An online calculator to subtract one vector from another giving the components of the resultant , its magnitude and direction, is presented. .

Let u and v be two vectors given in component form by
u = <u1 , u2> and v = <v1 , v2>
The subtraction of vector v from vector u is defined by
u - v = <u1 - v1 , u2 - v2>

Use of the Subtraction Vectors Calculator

There are two calculators that may be used to subtract one vector from another depending on whether you know the components or the magnitude and directions of the vectors to subtract.
1 - Enter the components u1, u2 and v1 , v2 of the two vectors u and v respectively as real numbers and press "Subtract the Two Vectors". The outputs are the components of vector u - v, its magnitude and direction in degrees.

u:     u1 = , u2 =
v:     v1 = , v2 =
Decimal Places =
u - v = < , >
Magnitude: ||u - v|| =
Direction of u - v: ? = °

2 - Enter the magnitudes (non negative real) and directions of the two vectors u and v respectively as real numbers and press "Subtract the Two Vectors". The outputs are the components of vector u - v, its magnitude and direction in degrees.

|| u || = , Direction of u =
|| v || = , Direction of v =
Decimal Places =
u - v = < , >
Magnitude: ||u - v|| =
Direction of u - v: ? = °

More References and Links

Find Magnitude and Direction of Vectors. vector calculators
Vector Addition and Scalar Multiplication.