Reading Pie Charts - Examples With Solutions

Tutorial on how to read and interpret pie charts; several examples with their solutions are presented.

Example 1:

The pie chart below shows the percentages of blood types for a group of 200 people.
a) How many people, in this group, have blood type AB?
b) How many people, in this group, do not have blood type O?
c) How many people, in this group, have blood types A or B?
pie chart of a group of people blood type

Solution to Example 1:

Example 2:

The pie chart below shows the percentages of types of transportation used by 800 students to come to school.
a) How many students, in the school, come to school by bicycle?
b) How many students do not walk to school?
c) How many students come to school by bus or in a car?
pie chart of a group of students type of transportation

Solution to Example 2:

Example 3:

The pie chart below shows the percentages of the world population in each continent. The present world population is about 7 billion.
a) How many people live in Africa?
b) How many people do not live in Asia?
c) How many more people live in North America than in South America?
pie chart of the world population per continent

Solution to Example 3:

Example 4:

The total area of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe and Australia is 134 million square kilometers. The pie chart below shows the percentages of each continent.
a) What is the area of Asia?
b) What is the area Europe?
c) How much bigger is Africa than Europe?
pie chart of the areas of the continents in the world

Solution to Example 4:

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elementary statistics and probabilities.
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