Free Compass Math Test Practice Questions
Solutions with Explanations - Sample 4

Solutions with detailed explanations to compass math test practice questions in sample 4.

  1. If f(x) = 2x - 3, g(x) = -2x3 + 2 and h(x) = 3x, then h(2) + f(g(-1)) =


    We first calculate h(2)

    h(2) = 3(2) = 6

    We next calculate g(-1)

    g(-1) = -2(-1)3 + 2 = -2(-1) + 2 = 4

    We next calculate f(g(-1))

    f(g(-1)) = f(4) = 2(4) - 3 = 8 - 3 = 5


    h(2) + f(g(-1)) = 6 + 5 = 11

  2. If 3x2 / 34x = 1/81, then x =


    We first rewrite the two expressions in the given equation to the same base

    3x2 / 34x = 3x2-4x


    1/81 = 1 / 34 = 3-4

    We now rewrite the equation as follows

    3x2-4x = 3-4

    Which leads to the following algebraic equation

    x2 - 4x = -4

    x2-4x + 4 = 0

    factor and solve

    (x - 2)2 = 0

    x = 2

  3. What are the solutions of x(x - 2) = 5?


    Expand and write in standard form

    x2 - 2x - 5 = 0

    Use quadratic formulas

    a x = [ -(-2) + or - sqrt( (-2)2 - 4(1)(-5)) ] / 2

    = [ 2 + or - sqrt(24) ] / 2

    = [ 2 + or - 2 sqrt(6) ] / 2

    two solutions: 1 + sqrt(6) and 1 - sqrt(6)

  4. The formula for the nth term, an, of an arirhmetic progression is given by an = a1 + (n - 1)d, where a1 represents the first term of the progession and d represents its common difference. What is the value of the 20th term of the arithmetic progression 4, 7, 10,...?


    The common difference of the given progression is

    7 - 4 = 3 (or 10 - 7 = 3)

    The first term is

    a1 = 4

    The value of the 20th term is given by

    a20 = a1 + (n - 1)d = 4 + (20 - 1)3 = 4 + 3 × 19 = 4 + 57 = 61

  5. In a a 16-by-12 rectangle, what is the perimeter of the triangle formed by two sides of the rectangle and the diagonal?


    Let x be the length of the diagonal and use Pythagora's theorem to find it.

    x2 = 162 + 122 = 256 + 144 = 400

    x = sqrt(400) = 20

    The three sides of the triangle are the length and width of the rectangle and the diagonal.

    Perimeter = 16 + 12 + 20 = 48

  6. If sqrt(-1) = i, then (-2 + 2 i)5 =


    We first write the complex number z = (-2 + 2i) in exponential form.

    z = (-2 + 2i) = sqrt((-2)2 + (22)) e[ i arg(2/-2) ] = 2 sqrt(2) e[ i arg(2/-2) ]

    = 2 sqrt(2) e[ 3 Pi/4 i ]

    We now apply De Moivre theorem to find (-2 + 2 i)5

    (-2 + 2 i)5 = z 5

    = (2 sqrt(2))5 e[ 5 · 3 Pi/4 i ]

    = 128 sqrt(2) · e[ 15 Pi/4 i ]

    = 128 *sqrt(2)* [ sin(15 Pi/4) + i cos(15 Pi/4) ]

    = 128 sqrt(2) [1/sqrt(2) - i * 1/sqrt(2) ] = 128 - 128 i

  7. For all values of x > 0, log[( x2 cube root(7) ] =


    We first the log formula log (A*B) = log A + log B to write that

    log[( x2 cube root(7) ] = log( x2) + log(cube root(7))

    We now use the log formula log (An) = n log A to simplify the above

    = 2 log x + log (7(1/3))

    = 2 log x + (1/3) log 7

  8. Which of these interval represents all the real values that are the range of y = 1 / (4 - x2)


    y = 1 / (4 - x2) is a even function since

    y(-x) = 1 / (4 - (-x)2) = 1 / (4 - x2)

    Because it is an even function and therefore its graph is symmetric with respect to the y axis, we shall study its graph for x ≥ 0.
    Since the denominator of this rational function is zero at x = + or -2, it has 2 vertical asymptotes: x = 2 and x = - 2.
    It also has a horizontal asymptote given by y = 0 because the degree of the denominator is greater than the degree of the numerator.

    For 0 ≤ x < 2, 4 - x2 is positive and therefore 1 / (4 - x2) is also positive.

    For x > 2 , 4 - x2 is negative and therefore 1 / (4 - x2) is also negative.

    Also for x = 0, y = 1/4

    Putting all the above information together to graph the given function, we end up with the graph below.

    range of rational function.

    The range of the given function is given by the interval.

    (-infinity , 0) U [1/4 , +infinity)

  9. Which of these intervals represents all values of x that makes sqrt(x2 + 2x) a real number?


    sqrt(x2 + 2x) is real if .

    x2 + 2x ≥ 0


    x(x + 2) ≥ 0

    x(x + 2) changes sign at the values of x that make x(x + 2) = 0 which are x = 0 and x = - 2. Hence 3 intervals to study the sign of x(x + 2)

    interval 1: (- infinity , -2] , x(x + 2) ≥ 0

    interval 2: [-2 , 0] , x(x + 2) ≤ 0

    interval 3: [0 , +infinity) , x(x + 2) ≥ 0

    sqrt(x2 + 2x) is real for x in the interval

    (-infinity , -2] U [0 , +infinity)

  10. log 32 + log 16 =


    Note that

    32 = 25 and 16 = 24


    log 32 + log 16 = log 25 + log 24

    = 5 log 2 + 4 log 2 = 9 log 2

  11. If 9(x + 1) = 3 * 9y, then


    Let us rewrite the two sides of the equation to the same base

    9(x + 1) = (32)(x + 1) = 32(x + 1)

    3 * 9y = 31 * (32)y = 31 + 2y

    We now rewrite the given equation as follows

    32(x + 1) = 31 + 2y

    Which leads to

    2(x + 1) = 1 + 2y

    Solve for x

    2x + 2 = 1 + 2y

    2x = 2y - 1

  12. If A is a matrix given by

    compass test sample 4

    , then

    compass test sample 4


    The determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix of the form matrix is given by

    AD - BC

    Apply the above to the given matrix to obtain the determinant as follows

    a(-a) - (ad)(e) = -a2 - aed = -a(a + ed)

  13. If cos(80o) = a and cos(60o)cos(20o) = b, then sin(60o)sin(20o) =


    Write cos(80o) as follows

    cos(80o) = cos(60o + 20o)


    = cos(60o)cos(20o) - sin(60o) sin(20o)

    Substitute cos(80o) by a and cos(60o)cos(20o) by b

    a = b - sin(60o) sin(20o)


    sin(60o) sin(20o) = b - a

  14. Which pair of functions have the same graph?

    A) sin(x) and cos(x + 3 Pi/2)
    B) sin(x) and cos(x + Pi/2)
    C) sin(x) and cos(x + Pi)
    D) sin(x) and cos(x - 3 Pi/2)
    E) sin(x) and cos(x + 5 Pi/2)


    Let us expand cos(x + 3 Pi/2) and simplify

    cos(x + 3 Pi/2) = cos(x) cos(3 Pi/2) - sin(x) sin(3 Pi/2) = cos(x) 0 - sin(x)(-1) = sin(x)

    Since cos(x + 3 Pi/2) simplify to sin(x), the two functions have the same graph.

    NOTE: As an exercise, expand the remaining functions: cos(x + Pi/2) , cos(x + Pi), cos(x - 3 Pi/2) and cos(x + 5 Pi/2) and show that none is equal to sin(x).

  15. Which of these functions have the highest period?

    A) cos(x + 3 Pi/2)
    B) sin(2x - Pi)
    C) cos(0.2x)
    D) 10 sin(x)
    E) cos(200x)


    The period of a function of the form y = a sin(bx + c) or y = a cos(bx + c) is given by

    2 Pi / |b|

    Let us now find the periods of the given functions

    A) cos(x + 3 Pi/2) : Period = 2 Pi / |1| = 2 Pi
    B) sin(2x - Pi) : Period = 2 Pi / |2| = Pi
    C) cos(0.2x) : Period = 2 Pi / |0.2| = 10 Pi
    D) 10 sin(x) : Period = 2 Pi / |1| = 2 Pi
    E) cos(200x) : Period = 2 Pi / |200| = Pi / 100 = 0.01 Pi

    The function with the highest period is


  16. What is the measure of x, 0 < x < 5 Pi / 2, if |- sin(x) + 1| = 2


    If |- sin(x) + 1| = 2 , then

    -sin(x) + 1 = 2 or -sin(x) + 1 = -2

    sin(x) = - 1 or sin(x) = 3

    The equation sin(x) = 3 has no real solutions. However the solution for the equation sin(x) = - 1 such that 0 < x < 5 Pi / 2 is

    x = 3 Pi/2

  17. If Pi < x < 2 Pi and cos(x) = - 1 / 2, then x =


    Start with

    cos(Pi / 3) = 1/2

    For Pi < x < 2 Pi and cos(x) = - 1/2, x is in quadrant III. Hence

    x = Pi + Pi/3 = 4 Pi/3

  18. [ cos(t) / cot(t) ] csc2(t) =


    Use the identities csc(t) = 1 / sin(t) and tan(t) = 1 / cot(t) to write

    [ cos(t) / cot(t) ] csc2(t) = cos(t) tan(t) / sin2(t) = cos(t) [ sin(t) / cos(t)] / sin2(t)


    = 1 / sin(t)= csc(t)

  19. If f(u) = 2 cos(u) + 5 and g(v) = 0.5 sin(2v), what is f(g(Pi / 2))


    We first calculate g(Pi/2)

    g(Pi/2) = 0.5 sin(2 Pi/2) = 0

    f(g(Pi/2)) is calculated as follows

    f(g(Pi / 2)) = f(0) = 2 cos(0) + 5 = 2 * 1 + 5 = 7

  20. If Pi < x < 2 Pi and tan(x) = 1/4, then sin(x) =


    Use the definition of tan(x) = b / a where point (a,b) is on the terminal side of angle x to write

    tan(x) = 1/4 = b / a

    Since x is in quadrant III, we can write

    b = - 1 and a = - 4

    r distance from (0,0) to (a,b) is given by

    r = sqrt(12 + 42) = sqrt(17)

    We now use sin(x) = b / r

    sin(x) = -1 / sqrt(17)

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