The Elimination Method in Systems - Questions with Solutions

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Use the method of elimination to solve systems of linear equations. Examples and questions with detailed solutions and explanations are presented. Also the graphical interpretation of the solution of 2 by 2 and 3 by 3 system of equations are presented.
The method of solving systems of equations using Cramer's Rule is also included in this website.

Systems of Linear Equations and their Solutions

A system of linear equations has one or more equations to be solved simultaneously.

Solve Systems by the Method of Elimination

We first define equivalent systems of equations as systems with the same solution set. The method of elimination uses three elementary operations on systems listed below to rewrite a given system of equation to an equivalent one that is easier to solve.
1) If we multiply all terms of a given equation, in a given system, by a constant (not equal to zero), we obtain an equivalent system of equations.
2) If we add the two left sides and the two right sides of two equations, we obtain an equivalent system of equations.
3) If we interchange two equations, we obtain an equivalent system of equations.

Questions with Solution

Solutions to the Above Questions

References and Links on Systems of Equations