Percentage Calculator and Solver

Online calculators to calculate and solve percent questions including detailed solutions are presented.

Calculator to Calculate e Percent of a Number

This calculator calculates the percent (P%) of a number A which is equivlent to finding B given the formula P% × A = B.
The example below shows how to calculate 2% of 35.
Enter and change percentage P% and the value for A then press "Show Solution" to practice on various values. The steps (in blue) of the solution to the questions are shown below.

% of

Steps to Solve the Question

Calculator to Calculate a Number Given its Percentage

This calculator calculates a number A given the equation P% × A = B where P% and B are known and which gives P% = B / A.
It is similar to answering the question: P% of which number (A) is equal to B?
Enter P percentage and number B and press "Calculate A". Steps of solution are shown below.

% of is equal to ?

Steps to Solve the Question

Calculator to Calculate the Ratio of two Numbers as a Percentage

This calculator calculates a percentage P in the equation P% × A = B, where A and B are known.
B is what percent of A?. Enter B and A and press "Calculate P%".

(B) is what percent of (A)?

Steps to Solve the Question

Calculator to Calculate the Change as a Percentage

This calculator calculates a change of a positive value of an item as a percentage. What is the percentage P% change from A(non zero initial value) to B(final value)?.
\[ P\% = \frac{B - A}{|A|} \times 100\% \]
where A is not equal to zero.
Enter A and B and press "Calculate P%".

(A) to (B)?

Steps to Solve the Question

More References and Links

Percent Maths Problems.
Percent Maths Questions.
Math Calculators and Solvers.
Power Calculator.