Degree Calculator
An online calculator to add and subtract two angles given in degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS) form.
Table of Conversion Used in Degree Calculator
1 degree = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds.
1 degree = 3600 seconds
Examples in Degree Calculator
Example: A1 and A2 are two angles given by A1 = 45° 34' 56" and A2 = 25° 45' 39". Find A1 + A2 and A1 - A2.
Addition of two angles
Let S = A1 + A2 = 45° 34' 56" + 25° 45' 39"
add degrees together, minutes together and seconds together
S = (45 + 25)° (34 + 45)' (56 + 39)" = 70° 79' 95"
We now need to convert 79' to degrees : 79' = 1° 19' and 95" to minutes: 95" = 1' 35" and substitute
S = 70° 79' 95" = 70° + (1° 19') + (1' 35") = 71° + 20' + 35"
Subtraction of two angles
With the subtraction and / or signed angles, it might be easier to convert each angle into seconds, subtract and convert again into degrees, minutes and seconds.
A1 = 45° 34' 56" = 45 × 3600 + 34 × 60 + 56 = 164096"
A2 = 25 × 3600 + 45 × 60 + 39 = 92739"
Let D = A1 - A2 = 164096 - 92739 = 71357"
Convert 71357" into dgrees
D = 71357" / 3600 = 19.8213888889° = 19° + 0.8213888889 × 60' = 19° 49' + 0.2833333333 × 60" = 19° 49' 17"
How to Use the Degree Calculator
1 - Enter the size of the angles A1 and A2 in degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS) form, check your input and press "Add / Subtract". The outputs are the sum A1 + A2 and the difference A1 - A2 in two forms: degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS) and also in degrees decimal form.
Example of angles A1 and A2
22 ° 34 ' 23 " (positive angle in DMS form)
-56 ° 12 ' 45 " (negative angle in DMS form)
-0 ° 23' 56" (negative angle less than 1 degree)
More References and links
- Convert Angles from Decimal to Degrees, Minutes and Seconds
Convert Angles From Degrees to radians
Convert Angles From Radians to Degrees
Math Calculators and Solvers.